PyWURFL is a Python module wrapping the InFuze WURFL C API and encapsulating it in an object-oriented manner, to provide a fast, intuitive interface. Only Python3 builds are supported.
In order for the Module to work it is ESSENTIAL that the libwurfl
library is installed on your system.
is provided in your Customer Vault/FileX.
If you have not already installed libwurfl, instructions can be found here. Release notes for each API can be found here.
Python 2.7 is end-of-life and as of December 31st 2023, PyWURFL has dropped support for Python 2.7. This document assumes you are using Python 3.
PyWURFL is distributed as a Python wheel package, and should be installed using pip
DO NOT use pip install pywurfl
to install the WURFL InFuze for Python module.
Once you have installed libwurfl
, download the WURFL InFuze for Python package from, it will be a ZIP file like
, follow these steps:
# Go to your Python project or any other directory if you're installing PyWURFL globally
# Make a subdirectory for the PyWURFL contents
mkdir pywurfl
cd pywurfl
# Download the package here and unzip it
unzip infuze_python-*.zip
# You will see a tar file, which needs to be unpacked as well
tar xvf python-mod_wurfl-*.tar
# Now you will see the wheel (.whl) files
# and the legacy .egg files
# Starting from version 3.0, the new pywurfl packages are
Next, you must determine which Python environment you want to install the module into, for example:
# Global Python 3
$ python3 --version
Python 3.7.5
# Global Python 3.8
$ python3.8 --version
Python 3.8.0
# venv Python 3.8
$ ./my-project/bin/python --version
Python 3.8.0
Note: It's important that you install PyWURFL in the right environment for your project - you can install the module in any or all of them, but your project won't be able to use PyWURFL unless you have installed it that environment. If you're installing it globally, your "environment" is the global environment, and you can simply use
, for example.
Once you've determined which Python environment to use, you can install the module. In this example, we'll use the Python virtual environment in our test project my-project
Attention: DO NOT use
pip install pywurfl
to install the WURFL InFuze for Python module.
# Check the version of Python
$ ./my-project/bin/python --version
Python 3.8.0
# This is Python 3.8, so we install the `py3` package:
$ ./my-project/bin/python -m pip install ./pywurfl-3.0-py3-none-any.whl
If you get an error like
No module named pip
, you must first installpip
. This may be available from your package manager (usuallypython3-pip
), or you can install it manually.
Python wheel packages have a specific naming convention, in the example above, we installed pywurfl-3.0-py3-none-any.whl
To determine the right package for you, find the major version of your Python interpreter (with python3 --version
, for example), and take the first digit, (ex: Python 3.8.1
=> 3
). This corresponds to the python tag
, which starts with py
, for example Python 3.6.5
would be py3
. As mentioned above, starting from version 3.0, pywurfl packages are universal, the ‘none’ and ‘any’ tokens in the package name mean that it is not OS-specific and that it is suitable for all architectures.
To perform lookups, you will need a copy of your WURFL data snapshot (also referred to as the wurfl.xml
). While there is one included in the release package, it is intended to be a sample and will not contain all of your licensed capabilities. Your licensed WURFL data snapshot can be accessed by following these directions.
On Windows OS, if you have customized the libwurfl library installation path, you will have to set the environment variable WURFL_SHARED_LIBRARY_PATH
with the full path of the libwurfl.dll file with the value you have chosen when installing libwurfl from the .msi
Here is an example to get started using PyWURFL:
# Import WURFL InFuze (PyWURFL) module
from pywurfl.wurfl import Wurfl
# before creating a Wurfl engine, we download an updated version of the wurfl file in the current directory
# destination directory must be writable
# replace this URL with your customer specific one, to avoid error 402
wurfl_download("", ".")
print("WURFL file download succeeded")
except RuntimeError as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}, using default file")
# Create a WURFL Engine
wurfl = Wurfl('')
# Lookup an HTTP request
http_request = {
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp",
"user-agent": " Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-G981U1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Mobile Safari/537.36",
dev = wurfl.parse_headers(http_request)
# You can also lookup a device with just the user-agent string
# dev = wurfl.parse_useragent(user_agent)
# retrieve some properties and capabilities values
# WURFL device ID:
print("device id =",
# Some static capabilities:
static_capabilities = ["model_name", "brand_name", "device_os"]
# Retrieve the value of a single static capability:
print("get_static_capability('model_name') =",
# Retrieve the value of many static capabilities at once:
print("get_static_capabilities(static_capabilities) =",
# Some virtual capabilities:
virtual_capabilities = ["complete_device_name", "form_factor"]
# Retrieve the value of a single virtual capability:
print("get_virtual_capability('complete_device_name') =",
# Retrieve the value of many virtual capabilities at once:
print("get_virtual_capabilities(virtual_capabilities) =",
# Make sure you release the device when you are finished
Here we create the Wurfl
engine, then obtain the device
object through lookup on a user agent string. Then we get device properties and static and virtual capability values as needed. Please note that virtual capabilities are calculated at runtime, so they might be significantly slower than static capabilities.
By running the above code, you should get an output like:
device id = samsung_sm_g981u_ver1_subuau1
get_static_capability('model_name') = SM-G981U1
get_static_capabilities(static_capabilities) = {'model_name': 'SM-G981U1', 'brand_name': 'Samsung', 'device_os': 'Android'}
get_virtual_capability('complete_device_name') = Samsung SM-G981U1 (Galaxy S20 5G)
get_virtual_capabilities(virtual_capabilities) = {'complete_device_name': 'Samsung SM-G981U1 (Galaxy S20 5G)', 'form_factor': 'Smartphone'}
If you want to keep your
up-to-date with ScientiaMobile's data release schedule, please consider using the Updater features, available in WURFL InFuze for Python as follows:
After creating your WURFL engine, set your personal WURFL Snapshot URL (in the form "", available from your license in
wurfl = Wurfl('')
except Exception as exception:
print("Error while setting updater data URL: ")
Note: you must use the same file type (
) in the updater URL that you use in the initialWurfl()
For long-running scripts, you can specify the frequency you want to check for updates: (DAILY or WEEKLY, default is DAILY):
Note: the wurfl path should be writable, and a
file must already be present in order for the Updater to determine whether or not an update is required.
Then start the updater:
except Exception as exception:
print("Error while starting the updater: ")
Updater will run a periodic check for the latest release of the
file, download it,
and update the running engine to the latest version - all during normal application operations.
The internal updater also supports simple file logging, useful in debugging network problems and the like:
Please note that:
The WURFL data file and the path where it resides, specified in the WURFL engine construction, MUST have write/rename access. The old data file will be replaced (i.e. a rename operation will be performed) with the updated version upon successful update operation completion, and the directory will be used for temp file creation, etc.
ScientiaMobile does not distribute uncompressed XML data files via the updater. This means that, if you plan to use the updater, you MUST use the compressed (i.e. a ZIP or a XML.GZ) data file in the engine construction call.
sets how often the updater checks for an updated data file,
not how often the engine data file is actually updated.
The WURFL InFuze Updater functionality relies on availability and features of the well-known and widely available curl
command-line utility. A check for curl
availability is done in the set_updater_data_url()
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