WURFL InFuze for rust is a Rust language module wrapping the WURFL C API and
encapsulating it in two rust types to provide a fast and intuitive
interface. It is compatible on linux
platforms for Rust edition 2018
, version 1.52 and higher.
In order for the Module to work it is ESSENTIAL that the libwurfl
library is installed on your system.
is provided in your Customer Vault/FileX.
If you have not already installed libwurfl, instructions can be found here. Release notes for each API can be found here.
InFuze for Rust is available as a source code package. In order to use it, you have to install Rust and Cargo (the rust build and execution tool).
You can install Rust and Cargo with this command: curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
If everything goes fine, this message will appear: "Rust is installed now. Great!"
Unpack the contents of the rust-wurfl package in a directory of choice. For example: tar xvzf rust-mod_wurfl-W.X.Y.Z.tar.gz
You can build the wurfl
to use it as a library with the command cargo build --lib
from the rust-wurfl project root.
To perform lookups, you will need a copy of your WURFL data snapshot (also referred to as the wurfl.xml
). While there is one included in the release package, it is intended to be a sample and will not contain all of your licensed capabilities. Your licensed WURFL data snapshot can be accessed by following these directions.
Here is an example to get started:
use wurfl::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
println!("Starting WURFL wrapper usage sample!");
// download WURFL file from the ScientiaMobile Snapshot generator (replace the sample URL with your own specific customer URL to avoid error 402)
// we use the current directory as destination
let download_res = wurfl_download("https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip", ".");
match download_res {
Ok(_) => println!("WURFL file downloaded successfully"),
Err(_) => println!("WURFL file downloaded FAILED: keeping default version"),
// create the engine using the WURFL file downloaded in the current directory
let wurfl_path = "wurfl.zip";
let wurfl_res = Wurfl::new(wurfl_path, None, None, WurflCacheProvider::LRU, Some("100000"));
let engine = match wurfl_res {
Ok(engine) => engine,
Err(error) => panic!("Problem initializing wurfl: {:?}", error),
println!("WURFL API Version created: {}", engine.get_api_version());
let ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36";
// Create headers
let mut headers = HashMap::new();
headers.insert("User-Agent", ua);
headers.insert("Sec-Ch-Ua", "\"Chromium\";v=\"94\", \"HuaweiBrowser\";v=\"99\", \";Not A Brand\";v=\"99\"");
headers.insert("Sec-Ch-Ua-Full-Version", "99.123.456");
headers.insert("Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform", "Android");
headers.insert("Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform-Version", "12");
headers.insert("Sec-Ch-Ua-Model", "Pixel 6");
// lookup the device with the headers and Client Hints
let device_res = engine.lookup_with_headers(headers);
match device_res {
Ok(d) => {
println!("Device ID: {}", d.get_device_id());
match d.get_virtual_cap("complete_device_name") {
Ok(Some(device_name)) => println!("Complete device name: {}", device_name),
Ok(None) => println!("Complete device name not available."),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error retrieving 'complete_device_name': {}", e),
match d.get_virtual_cap("is_smartphone") {
Ok(Some(is_smartphone)) => println!("Device is smartphone?: {}", is_smartphone),
Ok(None) => println!("Information about whether the device is a smartphone is not available."),
Err(e) => eprintln!("Error retrieving 'is_smartphone': {}", e),
Err(_) => panic!("Lookup user agent failed"),
You can also compile and run the example application with the command:
cargo run --package wurfl --example example
This code snippet creates the WURFL Engine once, then performs a lookup with a UserAgent string (you can also use any struct that implements the IntoIterator
trait and contains the request headers directly using engine.lookup_with_headers
) and get the static and virtual capabilities needed in your implementation (NOTE: virtual capabilities are calculated at runtime).
If you want to keep your wurfl.zip
up-to-date with the ScientiaMobile data release schedule, then you might want to use the Updater features.
After creating your WURFL Engine, set your personal WURFL Snapshot URL (in the form https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip, with xxxxx replaced with your personal access token, located in your license account page):
let we = engine.set_updater_data_url(wurfl_download_url);
let no_error = we.is_none();
// handle error or Ok cases ...
Specify the periodicity you would like for update checks (for example, the Daily update frequency):
let we = engine.set_updater_data_frequency(WurflUpdaterFrequency::WurflUpdaterFrequencyDaily);
Do note that a wurfl.zip file must already be present in a writable path in order for the updater to check the file and determine whether or not it needs to update the file.
Start the updater:
let we_h = engine.updater_start();
Updater will run a daily check for the latest release of the wurfl.zip
file, download it, and update the running engine to the latest version - all during normal application operations.
Updater methods usually return an Option<WurflError>
Cache Provider possible values
pub enum WurflCacheProvider {
Match type
pub enum Type {
Wurfl updater frequency
pub enum WurflUpdaterFrequency {
Device provides access to device static and virtual capabilities
pub fn get_capabilities(&self,cap_names: &[&str]) -> Result<HashMap<String, String>, WurflError>]
Returns a map -> key:cap_name,value:cap_value for the calling device
pub fn get_virtual_capabilities(&self,vcap_names: &[&str]) -> Result<HashMap<String, String>, WurflError>]
Returns a map -> key:vcap_name,value:vcap_value for the calling device
pub fn get_static_cap(&self, capability_name: &str) -> Result<Option<&str>, WurflError>
Returns the device value of the static capability with the given name
pub fn get_device_id(&self) -> &str
Get wurfl_id string from device handle
pub fn get_match_type(&self) -> MatchType
Get type of Match occurred in lookup
pub fn get_normalized_user_agent(&self) -> &str {
Get the Normalized (processed by wurfl api) userAgent
pub fn get_original_user_agent(&self) -> &str
Get the original UserAgent of matched device (the one passed to lookup)
pub fn get_root_id(&self) -> &str
Returns the unique ID of this device ancestor in the WURFL hierarchy.
pub fn get_user_agent(&self) -> &str
Get default UserAgent of matched device (might be different from UA passed to lookup)
pub fn get_virtual_cap(&self, virtual_capability_name: &str) -> Result<Option<&str>, WurflError>
Get Virtual Capability
pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool
Returns true if this device is a root device in the WURFL hierarchy
pub fn wurfl_download(url: &str, dest: &str) -> Result<(), WurflError>
Downloads a file from the given Snapshot Generator url to the given destination. The destination must exist and be writable.
Returns an error if the file could not be downloaded (connection error, write error, etc).
WURFL holds data and exposes methods used to perform device detection and access device capabilities.
pub fn new(wurfl_xml: &str, patches: Option<&[&str]>, cap_filter: Option<&[&str]>,
cache_provider: WurflCacheProvider, cache_extra_config: Option<&str>) -> Result<Wurfl, WurflError>
Create the wurfl engine. Parameters :
- wurfl_xml : path to the wurfl.xml/zip file
- patches : vector of paths of patches files to load
- cap_filter : deprecated, don't use it (pass None as argument)
- cache_provider : WurflCacheProviderLru or NoCache
- cache_extra_config : size of lru cache in the form "100000"
pub fn get_api_version(&self) -> &str
Returns version of internal InFuze API
pub fn get_all_caps(&self) -> Vec<String>
Return all capabilities names
pub fn get_all_vcaps(&self) -> Vec<String>
Returns all virtual capabilities names
pub fn get_info(&self) -> &str
Get wurfl.xml info
pub fn get_last_load_time(&self) -> &str
Get last wurfl.xml load time
pub fn has_capability(&self, cap_name: &str) -> bool
Return true if the capability exists
pub fn has_virtual_capability(&self, vcap_name: &str) -> bool
Return true if the virtual capability exists
pub fn lookup_device_id(&self, device_id: &str) -> Result<Device, WurflError>
Lookup by wurfl_ID and return Device handle
pub fn lookup_device_id_with_headers<U, V, T: IntoIterator<Item=(U, V)>>(&self, device_id: &str, headers: T) -> Result<Device, WurflError>
Lookup by wurfl_ID and request headers and return Device handle
pub fn lookup_with_headers<U, V, T: IntoIterator<Item=(U, V)>>(&self, headers: T) -> Result<Device, WurflError> where U: ToString, V: AsRef<[u8]>
Lookup Request and return Device handle
pub fn lookup_useragent(&self, user_agent: &str) -> Result<Device, WurflError>
Lookup up useragent and return Device handle
pub fn set_updater_data_frequency(&self, freq: WurflUpdaterFrequency) -> Option<WurflError>
Set interval of update checks
pub fn set_updater_data_url(&self, data_url: &str) -> Option<WurflError>
Set your scientiamobile vault https updater url
pub fn set_updater_data_url_timeout(&self, conn_timeout: i32, data_transfer_timeout: i32) -> Option<WurflError>
Set path of updater log file
pub fn updater_runonce(&self) -> Option<WurflError>
Start updater process once and wait for termination
pub fn updater_start(&self) -> Option<WurflError>
Start the updater thread
pub fn updater_stop(&self) -> Option<WurflError>
Stop the updater thread
© 2024 ScientiaMobile Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from ScientiaMobile Incorporated.