WURFL InFuze Module for golang : User Guide ======================================= WURFL InFuze for golang is a GO language module wrapping the WURFL C API and encapsulating it in two golang types to provide a fast and intuitive interface. It is compatible on Linux and macOS platforms for `golang 1.7` or higher. Installing libwurfl ------------------- In order for the Module to work it is **ESSENTIAL** that the `libwurfl` library is installed on your system. `libwurfl` is provided in your Customer Vault/FileX. If you have not already installed libwurfl, instructions can be found [here](https://docs.scientiamobile.com/documentation/infuze/infuze-c-api-user-guide). Release notes for each API can be found [here](https://docs.scientiamobile.com/documentation/changelog/infuze-api-change-log). Installation on Linux and macOS ----------------------------- InFuze for golang is available as a binary package. To install it, untar the contents in your GOPATH folder. For example: ``` # cd $GOPATH # tar xvzf golang-src-wurfl- ``` Usage ----- Here is an example to get started: ``` package main import ( "fmt" "html" "net/http" "scientiamobile/wurfl" ) func main() { var wengine *wurfl.Wurfl var device *wurfl.Device wengine, err := wurfl.Create("/usr/share/wurfl/wurfl.zip", nil, nil, -1, wurfl.WurflCacheProviderLru, "100000") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } ua := "Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.3; SM-N900T Build/JSS15J)" device, err = wengine.LookupUserAgent(ua) deviceid, err := device.GetDeviceID() fmt.Println(deviceid) fmt.Println(device.GetCapability("device_os")) fmt.Println(device.GetVirtualCapability("is_android")) device.Destroy() wengine.Destroy() } ``` Create the WURFL Engine once, then lookup UserAgent and get the static and virtual capabilities needed in your implementation (**NOTE:** virtual capabilities are calculated at runtime). If you already have a HTTP request, you can directly pass it to the WURFL API by using `wengine.LookupRequest()`. Alternately you can test passing a HTTP request to the WURFL API by creating a mock request, stuffing it with the desired test headers and passing them to the WURFL API as mentioned in the previous sentence. This is particularly useful for detecting requests with User-Agent Client Hints. In either case you can retrieve the resolved device as shown below. The static and virtual capabilities can then be requested as shown in the first snippet. ``` req, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil) UserAgent := "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36" req.Header.Add("User-Agent", UserAgent) req.Header.Add("Sec-CH-UA", "\" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"110\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"110\"") req.Header.Add("Sec-CH-UA-Full-Version", "110.0.4430.91") req.Header.Add("Sec-CH-UA-Platform", "Android") req.Header.Add("Sec-CH-UA-Platform-Version", "11") req.Header.Add("Sec-CH-UA-Model", "SM-M315F") device, err = wengine.LookupRequest(req) ``` Additional documentation on User-Agent Client Hints and how to collect them is available [here](https://docs.scientiamobile.com/guides/implementing-useragent-clienthints). ### WURFL Updater ------------- If you want to keep your `wurfl.zip` uptodate with the ScientiaMobile data release schedule, then you might want to use the Updater features. After creating your WURFL Engine, set your personal WURFL Snapshot URL (in the form https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip, with xxxxx replaced with your personal access token, located in your license account page): ``` uerr := wengine.SetUpdaterDataURL(Url) if uerr != nil { fmt.Printf("SetUpdaterDataUrl returned : %s\n", uerr.Error()) } ``` Specify the periodicity you would like for update checks: ``` _ = wengine.SetUpdaterDataFrequency(wurfl.WurflUpdaterFrequencyDaily) ``` Do note that a wurfl.zip file must already be present in a writable path in order for the updater to check the file and determine whether or not it needs to update the file. Start the updater: ``` uerr = wengine.UpdaterStart() if uerr != nil { fmt.Printf("UpdaterStart returned : %s\n", uerr.Error()) } ``` Updater will run a daily check for the latest release of the `wurfl.zip` file, download it, and update the running engine to the latest version - all during normal application operations. Checking User-Agent frozenness and HTTP headers quality --------------------------------- Starting from version the `Wurfl` struct provides two new methods: `IsUserAgentFrozen()`, `GetHeaderQuality()`. `IsUserAgentFrozen(ua string)` returns a boolean value which, if true, means that the input User-Agent string won't be updated by the sender browser. `GetHeaderQuality()` returns an enumeration value that describes the HTTP headers quality. It has three possible values: - **HeaderQualityFull**: all the headers needed for a successful WURFL detection are present. Eg. a header with all UA-CH header fields present - **HeaderQualityBasic**: only some of the headers needed for a successful WURFL detection are present. - **HeaderQualityNone**: no UA-CH headers are present API Reference ------------- ## Index * [Constants](#pkg-constants) * [func APIVersion() string](#APIVersion) * [type Device](#Device) * [func (d *Device) Destroy()](#Device.Destroy) * [func (d *Device) GetCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string](#Device.GetCapabilities) * [func (d *Device) GetCapability(cap string) string](#Device.GetCapability) * [func (d *Device) GetDeviceID() (string, error)](#Device.GetDeviceID) * [func (d *Device) GetMatchType() int](#Device.GetMatchType) * [func (d *Device) GetNormalizedUserAgent() (string, error)](#Device.GetNormalizedUserAgent) * [func (d *Device) GetOriginalUserAgent() (string, error)](#Device.GetOriginalUserAgent) * [func (d *Device) GetRootID() string](#Device.GetRootID) * [func (d *Device) GetUserAgent() (string, error)](#Device.GetUserAgent) * [func (d *Device) GetVirtualCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string](#Device.GetVirtualCapabilities) * [func (d *Device) GetVirtualCapability(vcap string) string](#Device.GetVirtualCapability) * [func (d *Device) IsRoot() bool](#Device.IsRoot) * [type DeviceHandler](#DeviceHandler) * [type HeaderQuality](#HeaderQuality) * [func (hq HeaderQuality) String() string](#HeaderQuality.String) * [type Updater](#Updater) * [type Wurfl](#Wurfl) * [func Create(Wurflxml string, Patches []string, CapFilter []string, EngineTarget int, CacheProvider int, CacheExtraConfig string) (*Wurfl, error)](#Create) * [func (w *Wurfl) Destroy()](#Wurfl.Destroy) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetAPIVersion() string](#Wurfl.GetAPIVersion) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetAllCaps() []string](#Wurfl.GetAllCaps) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetAllDeviceIds() []string](#Wurfl.GetAllDeviceIds) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetAllVCaps() []string](#Wurfl.GetAllVCaps) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetAttr(attr int) (int, error)](#Wurfl.GetAttr) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetEngineTarget() string](#Wurfl.GetEngineTarget) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetHeaderQuality(r *http.Request) (HeaderQuality, error)](#Wurfl.GetHeaderQuality) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetInfo() string](#Wurfl.GetInfo) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetLastLoadTime() string](#Wurfl.GetLastLoadTime) * [func (w *Wurfl) GetUserAgentPriority() string](#Wurfl.GetUserAgentPriority) * [func (w *Wurfl) HasCapability(cap string) bool](#Wurfl.HasCapability) * [func (w *Wurfl) HasVirtualCapability(vcap string) bool](#Wurfl.HasVirtualCapability) * [func (w *Wurfl) IsUserAgentFrozen(ua string) bool](#Wurfl.IsUserAgentFrozen) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceID(DeviceID string) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupDeviceID) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithImportantHeaderMap(DeviceID string, IHMap map[string]string) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupDeviceIDWithImportantHeaderMap) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithRequest(DeviceID string, r *http.Request) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupDeviceIDWithRequest) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupRequest(r *http.Request) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupRequest) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupUserAgent(ua string) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupUserAgent) * [func (w *Wurfl) LookupWithImportantHeaderMap(IHMap map[string]string) (*Device, error)](#Wurfl.LookupWithImportantHeaderMap) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetAttr(attr int, value int) error](#Wurfl.SetAttr) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataFrequency(Frequency int) error](#Wurfl.SetUpdaterDataFrequency) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURL(DataURL string) error](#Wurfl.SetUpdaterDataURL) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout(ConnectionTimeout int, DataTransferTimeout int) error](#Wurfl.SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterLogPath(LogFile string) error](#Wurfl.SetUpdaterLogPath) * [func (w *Wurfl) SetUserAgentPriority(prio int)](#Wurfl.SetUserAgentPriority) * [func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterRunonce() error](#Wurfl.UpdaterRunonce) * [func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterStart() error](#Wurfl.UpdaterStart) * [func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterStop() error](#Wurfl.UpdaterStop) * [type WurflHandler](#WurflHandler) #### Package files interface.go](/src/scientiamobile/wurfl/interface.go) [wurfl.go ## Constants ``` go const ( WurflEngineTargetHighAccuray = C.WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_ACCURACY WurflEngineTargetHighPerformance = C.WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_HIGH_PERFORMANCE WurflEngineTargetDefault = C.WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_DEFAULT WurflEngineTargetFastDesktopBrowserMatch = C.WURFL_ENGINE_TARGET_FAST_DESKTOP_BROWSER_MATCH ) ``` Engine Target possible values DEPRECATED as of ``` go const ( WurflUserAgentPriorityOverrideSideloadedBrowserUserAgent = C.WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_OVERRIDE_SIDELOADED_BROWSER_USERAGENT WurflUserAgentPriorityUsePlainUserAgent = C.WURFL_USERAGENT_PRIORITY_USE_PLAIN_USERAGENT ) ``` UserAgent priority possible values DEPRECATED as of ``` go const ( WurflCacheProviderDefault = -1 WurflCacheProviderNone = C.WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_NONE WurflCacheProviderLru = C.WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_LRU // Deprecated: use WurflCacheProviderLru instead WurflCacheProviderDoubleLru = C.WURFL_CACHE_PROVIDER_DOUBLE_LRU ) ``` Cache Provider possible values ``` go const ( WurflMatchTypeExact = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_EXACT WurflMatchTypeConclusive = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_CONCLUSIVE WurflMatchTypeRecovery = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_RECOVERY WurflMatchTypeCatchall = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_CATCHALL WurflMatchTypeHighPerformance = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_HIGHPERFORMANCE WurflMatchTypeNone = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_NONE WurflMatchTypeCached = C.WURFL_MATCH_TYPE_CACHED ) ``` Match type ``` go const ( WurflEnumStaticCapabilities = C.WURFL_ENUM_STATIC_CAPABILITIES WurflEnumVirtualCapabilities = C.WURFL_ENUM_VIRTUAL_CAPABILITIES WurflEnumMandatoryCapabilities = C.WURFL_ENUM_MANDATORY_CAPABILITIES WurflEnumWurflID = C.WURFL_ENUM_WURFLID ) ``` Wurfl enumerator type ``` go const ( WurflUpdaterFrequencyDaily = C.WURFL_UPDATER_FREQ_DAILY WurflUpdaterFrequencyWeekly = C.WURFL_UPDATER_FREQ_WEEKLY ) ``` Wurfl updater frequency ``` go const ( // Deprecated: since WurflAttrExtraHeadersExperimental = C.WURFL_ATTR_EXTRA_HEADERS_EXPERIMENTAL ) ``` ## func APIVersion ``` go func APIVersion() string ``` APIVersion returns version of internal InFuze API without an initialized engine ## type Device ``` go type Device struct { Device C.wurfl_device_handle Wurfl C.wurfl_handle } ``` Device represent internal matched device handle ### func (\*Device) Destroy ``` go func (d *Device) Destroy() ``` Destroy device handle, should be called when when device attributes are not needed anymore ### func (\*Device) GetCapabilities ``` go func (d *Device) GetCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string ``` GetCapabilities Get a list of Static Capabilities ### func (\*Device) GetCapability ``` go func (d *Device) GetCapability(cap string) string ``` GetCapability Get a single Capability ### func (\*Device) GetDeviceID ``` go func (d *Device) GetDeviceID() (string, error) ``` GetDeviceID Get wurfl_id string from device handle ### func (\*Device) GetMatchType ``` go func (d *Device) GetMatchType() int ``` GetMatchType Get type of Match occurred in lookup ### func (\*Device) GetNormalizedUserAgent ``` go func (d *Device) GetNormalizedUserAgent() (string, error) ``` GetNormalizedUserAgent Get the Normalized (processed by wurfl api) userAgent ### func (\*Device) GetOriginalUserAgent ``` go func (d *Device) GetOriginalUserAgent() (string, error) ``` GetOriginalUserAgent Get the original userAgent of matched device (the one passed to lookup) ### func (\*Device) GetRootID ``` go func (d *Device) GetRootID() string ``` GetRootID - Retrieve the root device id of this device. ### func (\*Device) GetUserAgent ``` go func (d *Device) GetUserAgent() (string, error) ``` GetUserAgent Get default UserAgent of matched device (might be different from UA passed to lookup) ### func (\*Device) GetVirtualCapabilities ``` go func (d *Device) GetVirtualCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string ``` GetVirtualCapabilities Get a list of Virtual Capabilities ### func (\*Device) GetVirtualCapability ``` go func (d *Device) GetVirtualCapability(vcap string) string ``` GetVirtualCapability Get Virtual Capability ### func (\*Device) IsRoot ``` go func (d *Device) IsRoot() bool ``` IsRoot - true if device is device root ## type DeviceHandler ``` go type DeviceHandler interface { GetMatchType() int GetVirtualCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string GetVirtualCapability(vcap string) string GetCapabilities(caps []string) map[string]string GetCapability(cap string) string IsRoot() bool GetRootID() string GetDeviceID() (string, error) GetNormalizedUserAgent() (string, error) GetOriginalUserAgent() (string, error) GetUserAgent() (string, error) Destroy() } ``` DeviceHandler defines API methods for the Wurfl Device handle ## type HeaderQuality ``` go type HeaderQuality int ``` HeaderQuality represents the header quality value ``` go const ( // HeaderQualityNone no User Agent Client Hints are present. HeaderQualityNone HeaderQuality = C.WURFL_ENUM_UACH_NONE // HeaderQualityBasic only some of the headers needed for a successful WURFL detection are present. HeaderQualityBasic HeaderQuality = C.WURFL_ENUM_UACH_BASIC // HeaderQualityFull all the headers needed for a successful WURFL detection are present. HeaderQualityFull HeaderQuality = C.WURFL_ENUM_UACH_FULL ) ``` ### func (HeaderQuality) String ``` go func (hq HeaderQuality) String() string ``` ## type Updater ``` go type Updater interface { SetUpdaterDataURL(DataURL string) error SetUpdaterDataFrequency(Frequency int) error SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout(ConnectionTimeout int, DataTransferTimeout int) error SetUpdaterLogPath(LogFile string) error UpdaterRunonce() error UpdaterStart() error UpdaterStop() error } ``` Updater defines API methods for the Updater ## type Wurfl ``` go type Wurfl struct { Wurfl C.wurfl_handle ImportantHeaderNames []string // contains filtered or unexported fields } ``` Wurfl represents internal wurfl infuze handle ### func Create ``` go func Create(Wurflxml string, Patches []string, CapFilter []string, EngineTarget int, CacheProvider int, CacheExtraConfig string) (*Wurfl, error) ``` Create the wurfl engine.Parameters : Wurflxml : path to the wurfl.xml/zip file Patches : slice of paths of patches files to load CapFilter : list of capabilities used; allow to init engine without loading all 500+ caps DEPRECATED: EngineTarget : As of has no effect anymore CacheProvider : WurflCacheProviderLru or WurflCacheProviderDoubleLru CacheExtraConfig : size of single or double lru caches in the form "100000" or "100000,30000" ### func (\*Wurfl) Destroy ``` go func (w *Wurfl) Destroy() ``` Destroy the wurfl engine ### func (\*Wurfl) GetAPIVersion ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetAPIVersion() string ``` GetAPIVersion returns version of internal InFuze API ### func (\*Wurfl) GetAllCaps ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetAllCaps() []string ``` GetAllCaps return all capabilities names ### func (\*Wurfl) GetAllDeviceIds ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetAllDeviceIds() []string ``` GetAllDeviceIds returns a slice containing all WURFL device IDs ### func (\*Wurfl) GetAllVCaps ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetAllVCaps() []string ``` GetAllVCaps return all virtual capabilities names ### func (\*Wurfl) GetAttr ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetAttr(attr int) (int, error) ``` GetAttr : get we engine attributes ### func (\*Wurfl) GetEngineTarget ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetEngineTarget() string ``` GetEngineTarget - Returns a string representing the currently set WURFL Engine Target. Possible values are "HIGH_ACCURACY", "HIGH_PERFORMANCE" or "INVALID". DEPRECATED: will always return default value ### func (\*Wurfl) GetHeaderQuality ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetHeaderQuality(r *http.Request) (HeaderQuality, error) ``` LookupRequest : Lookup Request and return Device handle ### func (\*Wurfl) GetInfo ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetInfo() string ``` GetInfo - get wurfl.xml info ### func (\*Wurfl) GetLastLoadTime ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetLastLoadTime() string ``` GetLastLoadTime - get last wurfl.xml load time ### func (\*Wurfl) GetUserAgentPriority ``` go func (w *Wurfl) GetUserAgentPriority() string ``` GetUserAgentPriority - Tells if WURFL is using the plain user agent or the sideloaded browser user agent for device detection DEPRECATED: will always return default value ### func (\*Wurfl) HasCapability ``` go func (w *Wurfl) HasCapability(cap string) bool ``` HasCapability - HasVirtualCapability return true is the vcap exists ### func (\*Wurfl) HasVirtualCapability ``` go func (w *Wurfl) HasVirtualCapability(vcap string) bool ``` HasVirtualCapability - HasVirtualCapability return true is the vcap exists ### func (\*Wurfl) IsUserAgentFrozen ``` go func (w *Wurfl) IsUserAgentFrozen(ua string) bool ``` IsUserAgentFrozen : returns true if an useragent is frozen ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupDeviceID ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceID(DeviceID string) (*Device, error) ``` LookupDeviceID : lookup by wurfl_ID and return Device handle ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithImportantHeaderMap ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithImportantHeaderMap(DeviceID string, IHMap map[string]string) (*Device, error) ``` LookupDeviceIDWithImportantHeaderMap : Lookup deviceID using header values found in IHMap. IHMap must be filled with Wurfl.ImportantHeaderNames values ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithRequest ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupDeviceIDWithRequest(DeviceID string, r *http.Request) (*Device, error) ``` LookupDeviceIDWithRequest : lookup by wurfl_ID and request headers and return Device handle ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupRequest ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupRequest(r *http.Request) (*Device, error) ``` LookupRequest : Lookup Request and return Device handle ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupUserAgent ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupUserAgent(ua string) (*Device, error) ``` LookupUserAgent : lookup up useragent and return Device handle ### func (\*Wurfl) LookupWithImportantHeaderMap ``` go func (w *Wurfl) LookupWithImportantHeaderMap(IHMap map[string]string) (*Device, error) ``` LookupWithImportantHeaderMap : Lookup using header values found in IHMap. IHMap must be filled with Wurfl.ImportantHeaderNames values ### func (\*Wurfl) SetAttr ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetAttr(attr int, value int) error ``` SetAttr : we engine attributes ### func (\*Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataFrequency ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataFrequency(Frequency int) error ``` SetUpdaterDataFrequency - set interval of update checks ### func (\*Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURL ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURL(DataURL string) error ``` SetUpdaterDataURL - set your scientiamobile vault https updater url ### func (\*Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout(ConnectionTimeout int, DataTransferTimeout int) error ``` SetUpdaterDataURLTimeout - set connection and data transfer timeouts (in millisecs) for updater http call. 0 for no timeout, -1 for defaults ### func (\*Wurfl) SetUpdaterLogPath ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetUpdaterLogPath(LogFile string) error ``` SetUpdaterLogPath - set path of updater log file ### func (\*Wurfl) SetUserAgentPriority ``` go func (w *Wurfl) SetUserAgentPriority(prio int) ``` SetUserAgentPriority - Sets which UA wurfl is using (plain or sideloaded) DEPRECATED. Since has no effect anymore ### func (\*Wurfl) UpdaterRunonce ``` go func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterRunonce() error ``` UpdaterRunonce - start updater process once and wait for termination ### func (\*Wurfl) UpdaterStart ``` go func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterStart() error ``` UpdaterStart - start the updater thread ### func (\*Wurfl) UpdaterStop ``` go func (w *Wurfl) UpdaterStop() error ``` UpdaterStop - stop the updater thread - - - ------- **© 2024 ScientiaMobile Inc.
All Rights Reserved.** **NOTICE:** All information contained herein is, and remains the property of ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from ScientiaMobile Incorporated.