WURFL InFuze Module for HAProxy: User Guide ========================================= This document is aimed at developers and system administrators who intend to install and configure the WURFL InFuze Module for HAProxy on Unix, Linux, and other Unix-based systems. Installing libwurfl ------------------- In order for the Module to work it is **ESSENTIAL** that the `libwurfl` library is installed on your system. `libwurfl` is provided in your Customer Vault/FileX. If you have not already installed libwurfl, instructions can be found [here](https://docs.scientiamobile.com/documentation/infuze/infuze-c-api-user-guide). Release notes for each API can be found [here](https://docs.scientiamobile.com/documentation/changelog/infuze-api-change-log). Installing HAProxy ------------------ WURFL device detection is included in the HAProxy source code from [release 1.7-dev6](http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.7/src/devel/). You are required to download and compile the HAProxy source code including WURFL device detection: please refer to the HAProxy documentation for build instructions. You will need the WURFL InFuze C API (libwurfl) installed on your system at compile time (refer to "Installing libwurfl" above). To enable WURFL device detection, you will need to add `USE_WURFL=1` to your HAProxy compile command as shown below: ```shell $ make TARGET= USE_WURFL=1 ``` Optionally `WURFL_DEBUG=1` can be set to increase logging verbosity. Configuration Guide ------------------- The following are supported WURFL directives (see doc/configuration.txt in your HAProxy source tree): * wurfl-data-file * wurfl-information-list [](list of WURFL capabilities, virtual capabilities, property names we plan to use in injected headers) * wurfl-information-list-separator (character that will be used to separate values in a response header, ',' by default). * wurfl-cache-size (Sets the WURFL caching strategy) * wurfl-patch-file [](Sets the paths to custom WURFL patch files) Sample configuration file: ```nginx global wurfl-data-file /usr/share/wurfl/wurfl-eval.xml wurfl-information-list wurfl_id model_name is_tablet #wurfl-information-list-separator | ## LRU cache wurfl-cache-size 100000 ## no cache #wurfl-cache-size 0 #wurfl-patch-file ... frontend bind *:8888 default_backend servers ``` There are two distinct methods available to transmit WURFL data downstream to the target application: All data listed in wurfl-information-list ```nginx http-request set-header X-WURFL-All %[wurfl-get-all()] ``` A subset of data listed in wurfl-information-list ```nginx http-request set-header X-WURFL-Properties %[wurfl-get(wurfl_id,is_tablet)] ``` Based on the configuration above, the `X-WURFL-All` header value will result in something like
``` google_chrome_66,Chrome,false ``` (all wurfl informations configured in wurfl-information-list, in the same order as listed, separated by a comma) whereas the `X-WURFL-Properties` header value will result in something like
``` google_chrome_66,false ``` (only wurfl_id and is_tablet informations, in the same order as listed in `wurfl-get()` call, separated by a comma) WURFL Properties ---------------- wurfl-information-list configuration directive may include: **properties** - `wurfl_id` Contains the device ID of the matched device. - `wurfl_root_id` Contains the device root ID of the matched device - `wurfl_isdevroot` Tells if the matched device is a root device. Possible values are "TRUE" or "FALSE" - `wurfl_useragent` The original user agent coming with this particular web request - `wurfl_api_version` Contains a string representing the currently used Libwurfl API version - `wurfl_info` A string containing information on the parsed wurfl.xml and its full path - `wurfl_last_load_time` Contains the UNIX timestamp of the last time WURFL has been loaded successfully. - `wurfl_normalized_useragent` The normalized user agent. - `wurfl_useragent_priority` The user agent priority used by WURFL. **Capabilities and virtual capabilities** Refer to [WURFL capabilities](https://www.scientiamobile.com/capabilities) for all capabilities and virtual capabilities names. ------- **© 2024 ScientiaMobile Inc.
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