WURFL OnSite .NET API: User Guide


To enable WURFL on your application you must register for a free account on scientiamobile.com and download the latest release from your File Manager.
The Wurfl.dll file must be added as a reference to any WURFL project.

Note: As of version we support :

  1. .NET Framework 4.5.2, 4.6.2, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1
  2. .NET Core 3.1
  3. .NET 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0

Note: The WURFL API is closely tied to the wurfl.zip file. New versions of the wurfl.zip are compatible with old versions of the API by nature, but the reverse is not true. Old versions of the wurfl.zip are not guaranteed to be compatible with new versions of the API.

WURFL OnSite .NET API NuGet package

WURFL OnSite .NET API is available as a NuGet package too. To install, use the ScientiaMobile NuGet URL https://nuget.scientiamobile.com/repository/wurfl-onsite/. To browse from VisualStudio:

  1. Go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings
  2. Then go to Package Sources and add a new Package Source
  3. Give the new Package Source a Name and Source URL (https://nuget.scientiamobile.com/repository/wurfl-onsite/)
  4. Next, go to Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Package Manager Console and run the following command:
    Install-Package WURFLOnSite (Install-Package WURFLOnSite.NETCore for .NET Core projects)
  5. Once the command is executed, enter your ScientiaMobile account credientials

WURFL Data Snapshot

To perform lookups, you will need a copy of your WURFL data snapshot (also referred to as the wurfl.xml). While there is one included in the release package, it is intended to be a sample and will not contain all of your licensed capabilities. Your licensed WURFL data snapshot can be accessed by following these directions.

Getting Started

WURFL OnSite .NET API bases its operations on two main objects:

  • a WURFL Manager object implementing the IWURFLManager interface.
  • a Device object implementing the IDevice interface.

The WURFL Manager object should be instantiated only once in your application.

The WURFL Manager object offers several methods (among others) for you to gain access to the in-memory representation of the Device Definition Repository (DDR).

public interface IWURFLManager
    IDevice GetDeviceForRequest(String userAgent);
    IDevice GetDeviceForRequest(HttpRequest request);
    IDevice GetDeviceById(String deviceId);

All of these methods return a Device object (implementing the IDevice interface) which represents the matched device model.

The Device object offers several methods (among others) for you to access the matched device data.

public interface IDevice
    String GetCapability(String name);
    String GetVirtualCapability(String name);
    IDictionary<String, String> GetCapabilities();
    IDictionary<String, String> GetVirtualCapabilities();
    String Id { get; }

In the next sections we'll see a sample Console Application using device detection and accessing WURFL static capabilities and virtual capabilities.

Console Application Usage

In your Console Application project, add the Wurfl.dll assembly as a reference.

Note: Beginning with version 1.8.4, the System.Web assembly must be referenced, even if you are building a Console Application.

Add a new class named WURFLSimpleTest to your project with the following code.

using WURFL;
using WURFL.Config;

namespace YourNameSpace
    class WURFLSimpleTest
        static void Main(string[] args)

Before creating the WURFL manager instance, we download an up-to-date version of the WURFL file from the ScientiaMobile Snapshot generator into a writable directory of our choice.

// Remember to modify the url below with your personal WURFL url or you'll get a HTTP 402 error var wurflUrl = "https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip"; try { WURFLManager.WurflDownload(wurflUrl, "."); } catch(WURFLRuntimeException ex) { // handle the exception }

Create the InMemoryConfigurer object setting the WURFL data file path;

                InMemoryConfigurer configurer = new InMemoryConfigurer()

                IWURFLManager manager = null;

Create the WURFL manager once, then lookup the UserAgent, and get the Device-Id, Static Capabilities, and Virtual Capabilities needed in your implementation (beware, Virtual Capabilities are calculated at runtime).

For further details on Virtual Capabilities, click here

                manager = WURFLManagerBuilder.Build(configurer);

                String ua = "Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.3; SM-N900T Build/JSS15J)";

                IDevice device = manager.GetDeviceForRequest(ua);

                Console.WriteLine("Device : {0}", device.Id);

                String capName = "brand_name";
                Console.WriteLine("Static Capability {0}: {1}", capName, device.GetCapability(capName));

                String vcapName = "is_android";
                Console.WriteLine("Virtual Capability {0}: {1}", vcapName, device.GetVirtualCapability(vcapName));

You can request a full list of Static and Virtual Capability name and values from the device instance.

                Console.WriteLine("--- Device Static Capabilities ---");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> dCap in device.GetCapabilities())
                    Console.WriteLine("[{0}] = [{1}]", dCap.Key, dCap.Value);

                Console.WriteLine("--- Device Virtual Capabilities ---");
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> vCap in device.GetVirtualCapabilities())
                    Console.WriteLine("[{0}] = [{1}]", vCap.Key, vCap.Value);

WURFL will throw Exceptions in case of failure during the entire process

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("WURFLSimpleTest throws this exception : {0} - {1}", e.GetType(), e.Message);

Passing the entire HTTP request for device detection

In addition to passing a User-Agent string to the WURFL API as shown in the example above, you can also pass a HTTP request for device detection. This is useful in cases where the HTTP request contains critical device information in places other than in the User-Agent header. This is most commonly seen in HTTP requests with User-Agent Client Hints.

You can either pass the HTTP request directly to IDevice GetDeviceForRequest(HttpRequest request) or instead pass a dictionary of the headers from the HTTP request:

IDictionary<String, String> requestHeaders = new Dictionary<String, String> { {"User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36"}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua", "\"Not_A Brand\";v=\"8\", \"Chromium\";v=\"120\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"120\""}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform", "Android"}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Platform-Version", "13.0.0"}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Model", "Pixel 6"}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Mobile", "?1"}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Full-Version-List", "\"Not_A Brand\";v=\"\", \"Chromium\";v=\"120.0.6099.43\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"120.0.6099.43\""}, {"Sec-Ch-Ua-Arch", ""} }; IDevice device = manager.GetDeviceForRequest(requestHeaders);

You can then request WURFL capabilities as shown in the section above.

IMPORTANT: Empty header values are treated as valid and those headers are not discarded. If you build your HTTP request programmatically from a data source such as logs, DB data, spreadsheet, etc., please make sure that you DO NOT add headers with empty strings as values (this may also be the result of "casting" a NULL / NONE / NaN to a string):




if  notNullOrEmpty(headerValue):


The WURFL manager has an LRU in-memory cache to preserve the result of previous detection.

If you want to enable the LRU cache, you can do it in InMemoryConfigurer object passing it the cache size:


WURFL Updater

For API versions and greater, you can keep your wurfl.zip file uptodate with Scientiamobile's data release schedule using the WURFL Updater.

To configure WURFL Updater, you will need your personal WURFL Snapshot URL (found in the Scientiamobile customer Vault). You may configure the frequency for update checks.

Begin by adding the Wurfl.Updater namespace to your application.

using Wurfl.Updater;

Then, create a WURFLUpdater instance passing it the manager instance and your updater url

   // remember to modify the url below with your personal WURFL updater url
   WURFLUpdater updater = new WURFLUpdater(manager, "https://data.scientiamobile.com/xxxxx/wurfl.zip");

Note: the path of the wurfl.zip specified in the configurer at the moment of WURFL Manager creation must be writable from the process/task, and a wurfl.zip file must already be present in order for the Updater to determine whether or not it needs to update.
that is executing the .NET API, since WURFLUpdater will update the file denoted by its path.

There are two options in which you can invoke the updater. - using the PerformUpdate() method which performs a single update check and then stop.

  • using the PerformPeriodicUpdate() method which performs update checks with a periodicity you can specify with the SetFrequency(frequency) method, chosing among DAILY WEEKLY (default is DAILY).

If you want to stop Periodic Updates, invoke the StopPeriodicUpdate() method


Note: The WURFL Updater will check to see if a new version of the wurfl.zip has been released and, if so, download it and reload the WURFL manager with the new version; all while the WURFL manager still running and serving requests.

Dependencies for .NET Core projects

If your project uses .NET Core and you are manually referencing the Wurfl.dll assembly, you may need to add a PackageReference for Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions:

        <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions" Version="2.2.0" />

If you use nuget to integrate the WURFL API into your project, you can safely skip this section.

Virtual Capabilities

Virtual capabilities are an important feature of the WURFL API that obtain values related to the requesting agent out of the HTTP request as a whole (as opposed to limiting itself to static capabilities that are found in WURFL).

Virtual Capabilities are calculated at runtime; in order to compute its final returned value, a virtual capability may look at static capabilities as well as parameters derived from the HTTP request at run-time. Virtual capabilities are useful to model aspects of the HTTP Client that are not easily captured through the finite number of profiles in WURFL.

To get the value of a virtual capability:

var isSmartphone = device.GetVirtualCapability("is_smartphone");

The value associated with a virtual capability is always expressed as a string, even when it logically represents a number or a Boolean.

For further information on virtual capabilities, please refer to the WURFL capabilities page

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NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to ScientiaMobile Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from ScientiaMobile Incorporated.