WURFL Microservice Client API for Python

Note: This guide assumes that you have access to a running instance of the WURFL Microservice HTTP Server, either through ScientiaMobile's Docker Registry, the AWS Marketplace, the Azure Marketplace, or other distribution channels. The guide also assumes familiarity with Device Detection (WURFL) and WURFL Capabilities.

WURFL Capabilities

WURFL Capabilities: WURFL capabilities are device properties represented in WURFL. While users of the WURFL Microservice for Docker have access to the list of licensed capabilities, customers who obtained the product through one of the Marketplace will have access to the WURFL capability list, predefined for the product they have licensed. Please note that there are two types of capabilities supported in WURFL: Static and Virtual.

While the difference between the two is mostly immaterial for you as a user as far as their practical usage goes, you still need to use two separate methods to use one or the other.

WURFL Microservice Client API (wmclient): Given an HTTP Request and a capability, the WURFL Client will return the property value.

Note: While the wmclient is an API, it requires interaction with the WURFL Microservice server to work. This introduces some latency (hugely mitigated by a built-in caching layer). For this reason, ScientiaMobile does not refer to the WURFL Microservice Client (wmclient) as a "WURFL API". That name is reserved for the WURFL OnSite APIs.

Obtaining, Installing and Running the wmclient

In order to use the wmclient please follow these instructions:

  1. Download example.py from WURFL repository.

  2. Edit example.py (in the package) by modifying the create() call to include the public IP address of your AMI instance, Azure VM instance or Docker container service (i.g. replacing localhost with the IP address of your running HTTP server, be it an AMI instance, Azure VM or Docker container service).

Note: There are multiple ways in which a service deployed through Docker can be exposed to the world around it. Please refer to your DevOps if in doubt of the actual address at which the service is running.*

  1. Get dependencies (pip install pycurl and pip install requests) and run the included example.py file. (python example.py) Please note that if you clone the whole wmclient repository, you won't need to download the wmclient dependency from Pypi, while, if you download only the example.py file, you'll have to dopip install wmclient

Here's the code for your reference:

from wmclient import *

    client = WmClient.create("http", "localhost", 8080, "")

    info = client.get_info()
    print("Printing WM server information")
    print("WURFL API version: " + info.wurfl_api_version)
    print("WM server version:  " + info.wm_version)
    print("Wurfl file info: " + info.wurfl_info)

    ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; ONEPLUS A5000 Build/NMF26X) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) " \
         "Chrome/56.0.2924.87 Mobile Safari/537.36 "

    client.set_requested_static_capabilities(["brand_name", "model_name"])
    client.set_requested_virtual_capabilities(["is_smartphone", "form_factor"])
    print("Detecting device for user-agent: " + ua);

    # Perform a device detection calling WM server API
    device = client.lookup_useragent(ua)

    if device.error is not None and len(device.error) > 0:
        print("An error occurred: " + device.error)
        # Let's get the device capabilities and print some of them
        capabilities = device.capabilities
        print("Detected device WURFL ID: " + capabilities["wurfl_id"])
        print("Device brand & model: " + capabilities["brand_name"] + " " + capabilities["model_name"])
        print("Detected device form factor: " + capabilities["form_factor"])
        if capabilities["is_smartphone"] == "true":
            print("This is a smartphone")
            # Iterate over all the device capabilities and print them
            print("All received capabilities");
            for k in capabilities:
                print(k + ": " + capabilities[k])

            # Get all the device manufacturers, and print the first twenty
            limit = 20
            deviceMakes = client.get_all_device_makes()
            print("Print the first {} Brand of {} retrieved from server\n".format(limit, len(deviceMakes)))

            # Sort the device manufacturer names
            for i in range(limit):
                print(" - {}\n".format(deviceMakes[i]))

            # Now call the WM server to get all device model and marketing names produced by Apple
            print("Print all Model for the Apple Brand")
            devNames = client.get_all_devices_for_make("Apple")

            for model_mkt_name in devNames:
                print(" - {} {}\n".format(model_mkt_name.brand_name, model_mkt_name.model_name))

            # Now call the WM server to get all operative system names
            print("Print the list of OSes")
            oses = client.get_all_OSes()
            # Sort and print all OS names
            for os in oses:
                print(" - {}\n".format(os))

            # Let's call the WM server to get all version of the Android OS
            print("Print all versions for the Android OS")
            osVersions = client.get_all_versions_for_OS("Android")
            # Sort all Android version numbers and print them.
            for ver in osVersions:
                print(" - {}\n".format(ver))

except WmClientError as wme:
    # problems such as network errors  or internal server problems
    print("An error has occurred: " + wme.message)

If you are using device detection from code running as part of an HTTP server, it is highly recommended that you pass the complete HTTP request to the lookup_request method as follows:

device = client.lookup_request(req)

where req is assumed to be a request from the requests python package.

For a complete reference of all static and virtual capabilities, you can refer to this document. Please note that WURFL Microservice for the AWS Marketplace comes with a predefined set of capabilities.

Complete reference of the wmclient API


def create(scheme, host, port, baseURI)
Creates a new WURFL Microservice client. The client has a default timeout of 10 seconds (set as 10000 milliseconds). If not scheme is give, client assumes a 'http' value.

def destroy(self)
Closes and deallocates all resources used to connect to server. Function calls made after this one will cause error

def lookup_useragent(self, useragent)
Performs a device detection from the given User-Agent. If the User-Agent is None or empty a generic device is returned

def lookup_request( self,req)
Performs a device detection from the headers carried by the give HTTP request. The request object is assumed to be the one used in requests python framework. If the User-Agent header is None or empty a generic device is returned

def lookup_device_id(self, wurflId)
Retrieves a device with the given WURFL ID. If the WURFL ID is None, empty or wring a WMClientError is raised

def get_all_OSes(self)
return a list of all device OS

def get_all_device_makes(self)
returns a list of all device makers

def get_all_devices_for_make(self, make)
returns a list of all device models for the given maker

def get_all_versions_for_OS(self, osName)
returns a list of all the known versions for the given device OS

def get_api_version(self)
returns the version of this WM Client

def get_info(self)
Returns info about WURFL microservice server. It raises a WmClientError in case of connection errors/timeouts

def has_static_capability(self, capName)
returns True if the given static capability is handled by this client, False otherwise

def has_virtual_capability(self, capName)
returns True if the given virtual capability is handled by this client, False otherwise

def set_http_timeout(self, timeout)
Sets HTTP connection timeout in milliseconds

def set_requested_capabilities( self, capsList)
Sets the list of virtual and static capabilities handled by this client

def set_requested_static_capabilities(  self, capsList)
Sets the list of static capabilities handled by this client

def set_requested_virtual_capabilities( self, capsList)
Sets the list of virtual capabilities handled by this client

More docs can be found in the WURFL Microservice client for python repository

Error in case of Missing Capabilities

As mentioned above, depending on the configuration of your WURFL Microservice, one of the WURFL capabilities may not be available. In this case, the JSONDeviceData.capabilities dictionary will not contain an entry for that capability and caller will get either an error or the zero value for it (None), depending on how the user accesses the capability dictionary.

Presence of a capability can be safely checked with:

value = JSONDeviceData.capabilities.get("has_cellular_radio")

And check if it has a value:

if value is not None:
    # do something...

Additional capabilities can always be obtained by upgrading to greater version of the AMIs in the AWS Marketplace or by contacting ScientiaMobile to license additional capabilities for the Docker Image or other products.

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